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Ideas for RICOH WESS

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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 4, 2021

AVE - Add changes so that the regional settings do not interfere with text fields that represent double values

Some text fields in the create Address block panel are not consistent when using non-US regional setting.When doing an update the x, y values get really big number (because the decimal separator *."" is written due to different regional setting as "",""  and it is been read back as "","" digit grouping for thousands.AC: Have some consistency when handling non-US regional settings.Additional development info:I found the spot where we fill in the values for position. The area I am talking about is only for the address area where the issue was found. It is not everything in AVE. I think the following code will fix the issue for just this one. The problem is how AVE decides to format the decimal value to be displayed in the GUI window. I think on the reading side we are probably ok. The spot is in AfpIndexer\plugins\IndexAFP\dialogs\ Line 653 is the old code. Lines 650-652 the new lines. I forced this to use a Locale for Romania and it looked like it worked. FYI, there are lots of places in AVE where the DecimalFormat is being used, so it could be lots of fixes to get this all working correctly.for retrieving the the double use: NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.getDefault());Number number = format.parse(""1,234"");double d = number.doubleValue();

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